Car Transport Services

 Tel: 01945 420313

Contact Hunters Car Transportation Services

Specialists in vintage classic car, motorcycle & automobilia transportation in the UK mainland

Phone: 01945 420313

Mobile: 0775 909 2687

E-mail facilities available on request

* Please appreciate that I cannot take your call whilst I am driving.


About Us


Established in 1999, Hunters Car Transport Services was started by Robin Hunter, after experiencing difficulty getting his own cars transported when moving house.

Robin previously spent over 23 years in the Motor Trade, during which he was responsible for many staff and  distributed millions of pounds worth of spare parts for hundreds of manufactures, wholesaling to garages, fleets and workshops mainly throughout Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire.

Jacki came from an accounts background and now looks after the administration side of things. Together we get the job done.

Hunters Car Transport Services has become our full time occupation and we enjoy the luxury of having been able to turn our much loved hobby into a rewarding and greatly fulfilling line of work.