Car Transport Services

 Tel: 01945 420313

Contact Hunters Car Transportation Services

Specialists in vintage classic car, motorcycle & automobilia transportation in the UK mainland

Phone: 01945 420313

Mobile: 0775 909 2687

E-mail facilities available on request

* Please appreciate that I cannot take your call whilst I am driving.


Moving House?

We can offer house movers this special deal:

 We can:

  1. Collect your car(s) say two weeks prior to your moving date
  2. Store them in our barn and then
  3. Deliver them to your new home two weeks after your move is completed.

This four week storage will be free but a small charge will have to be made if you require longer, insurance for this storage period will be your own responsibility.

Here are a some of the benefits gained by following this route:


It will free up your garage space for the packing/unpacking and short term storage of boxes/furniture.

• It will allow you to concentrate on your move without worrying over your car(s).

• You will not be dicing with removal vans and staff on the same day as loading cars.

• It affords you peace of mind.

• You will only pay for the mileage.

Our secure barn is situated some 300 foot from the road behind our house down a single track lane.

Please do not hesitate to phone for a quote for this service, we will be pleased to help or answer any of your questions.

Hunters Car Transportation Classic SPorts and Prestige car transport services UK Hunters Classic Car Transporation - prestige and sports car covered transport Hunters Car Transportation Classic Car Transport